Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've been in Namibia for over four months and so far I've seen giraffes, zebra, kudu, orex, baboons, and a variety of other assorted creatures. The bad news? No pictures of any of them. I know, I suck. Sorry Mom. At any rate I have been able to snap some pictures of some of my favorite local critters, and I will share them now....

Really big beetle. They seemed to love the grass at the Kukuri Center. Their furry-looking feet make them excellent diggers. :)

This picture is for my mom. She has the most irrational fear of moths, and I enjoy teasing her about it. Betcha cant wait to come visit!

This is my spider Bob. He's really big. I noticed him one night stringing his web from my windowsill to my jerry can and the original game plan was to sweep him outside, only I was too tired. The next morning when I looked he had somehow managed to trap a gigantic cockroach in his handy-dandy web. So he can stay! (Bob is up at the top, followed by a cricket he caught and the monster roach).

Praying Mantis. There are tons of them around my house and I love them because they eat lots and lots of bugs.

On the outside, it looks like a normal toilet........

But inside it's the home of Ronald and Reagan (thanks for the names sissy)!

Rara likes to pretend she is a lion. She lays on my porch and surveys the tall grass (and of course growls at anything that happens to walk by).

She's also likes to help with laundry. :)

Rara <3

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