Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Going mobile?

Does this really work? I have no idea. But its a novel feelings can be recorded at any given minute. Currently its pouring rain, rara is barking like a dummy and the thunder is booming overhead. Loves it. Now its back to my book! Night night

Monday, April 12, 2010


I apologize for slacking on my blogging duties. I have gotten many emails in the last couple months asking about what I am doing and if I am still alive. To address these inquiries: YES I am alive and well. As to what I have been up to I will touch on the highlights...

1. The measles epidemic is now winding itself out. After a mass immunization campaign and a whole lot of madness, the end is in sight. Thank goodness.

2. Group 29 Mid-Service (yes I have been here longer than a year!) was awesome. I spent 2 days with my group at the Harmony Center outside of Windhoek. I was great to hear all of the awesome and exciting things my friends are working on, and the icing on the cake was being able to hang out by the POOL everyday! We talked a lot about COS (Close Of Service), and even got our COS packets, which was really strange. The general consensus is that the second year goes much faster than the first which means COS will essentially be the day after tomorrow. I have reached the point in my service where its time to start thinking about life after Peace Corps. Whaaaat? How is that possible???

3. I spent a week with the newest Health group (holla group 31) in Okahandja as their Resource PCV. They are truly a great group of people! It just so happens that one of my friends Lindsay is part of the new group, so it was extra special for me. Lindsay and I have only ever lived abroad together, which kind of boggles my mind. We both studied in Siena, and we traveled all over Europe together. She shares my gypsy, vagabond-esq spirit and I am so glad that her journey has brought her here.

4. While I was in Okahandja I went home to visit my family. As luck would have it, my Tate was home as well, and it was great to be wrapped in one of his bear hugs and hear all about the farm. Victoria's command of English has developed so much; the difference between Kinder and first grade is impressive. The boys are nearly eye level. My sister, ever the entrepreneur, has started a business selling perfumes. Mama is well, busy inspiring her students to a new level of success in Science. Turimuye is adorable as ever and regaled me with her entire repertoire of songs which she has recently learned at the Kinder. Virimuye, the little prince, is crawling and scooting around like a champ. During dinner, he carefully scooted himself between Victoria and Turi as they sat eating on the floor. They soon became engaged in a conversation about some silly thing, and while their attention was diverted Viri made his move. Checking to make sure neither was watching, he reached his little fist into Turi's bowl and promptly stuffed a handful of rice in his mouth. Needless to say, he was quickly discovered. The girls squealed and scooted further away from him, only to be stealthily attacked in the same manner just moments later. That went on for most of the meal, and I nearly passed out from laughing so hard.

5. I had a very unwelcome house guest. One quiet Saturday afternoon not too long ago I was walking to the bathroom and I saw something move under my extra bathroom door (my house is very weird in that I have two bathrooms: one which works and one which I use as storage). Realizing something strange was going on, I immediately stopped and took a step back. There, sliding blithely under the door, was a snake. Ed immediately sprang to action; he grabbed the broom and pushed the writhing serpent outside while I held the dog and kept her away from the action. After looking at the snake chart, I am fairly certain that it was either not harmful at all or mildly poisonous, but I did an extra thorough sweep and checked under all of the furniture just in case one of its buddies happened to be squatting as well. For the record, I will no longer be walking to the bathroom in the dark/barefoot.

6. While I was writing that last bit about the snake a GIANT spider just crawled across the floor heading straight for my desk. My office mate slapped it with her shoe and announced that it was only kind of poisonous. Apparently it makes your body break out in a weird rash. The adventures never end around here...